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Leslie Lebel ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Star Director


My Story


Take a peek at my Scentsy Life! I made a decision that changed my life ... ( & so can you!!!)

I first heard about Scentsy when one of my past coworkers - who is now my Sponsor - joined herself. She shared how happy she was with the opportunity and how much she loved the products. I started ordering from her regularly, and then my life turned upside down.

Within about 6 months in 2018, I became separated, moved into a new house, lost my job, and met the love of my life. Things were hard. I was managing as a single Mom, starting a new relationship, and looking for work. My mental health suffered and my long term diagnoses became worse.

One late night I was sitting at my kitchen table and thought – what if? What if I didn’t have to worry about paying my bills every month? What if I could work from home and be here to take my kids to school and pick them up again? What if I could be my own boss and finally take control of my life?

I have Direct Sales experience, lots of it, but I had never truly felt at home with any company that I had been with. Scentsy was the one to change all that. Exceptional training, wonderful people, core values that spoke to my heart and products that are unparalleled.

I started in April of 2019. It was a slow start. But by April of 2020, just a week after my one year Scentiversary, I promoted to Director! Then, a month after in May 2020, I earned the Star Director title, which is the 2nd highest available title in the company. In the past year we have seen massive growth, and now my Scent Place team is bursting at 884 members strong!

This journey is so much more than money! We all have different reasons for choosing Scentsy; here are just a few:
*Financially (help with bills, saving for college funds, date nights, treat yo’ self)
*Socially (I have made my two BEST friends through Scentsy, and it’s wonderful to have a social life outside of being a Mom & wife)
*Emotionally (Scentsy offers therapeutic distance from day jobs, a sense of fulfillment and personal success)
*Travel (there are frequent trips that can be earned as all expense paid time away)

I am blessed to be the mother of two wonderful children, step mother to three more, and partner to the most wonderful man in the world (I might be a little biased). I can work from anywhere, allowing me to live in two cities and manage custody and family time easily. Scentsy has made it possible for me to be present, all the time.

Stop watching life go by because of your "JOB". The way I see it, that you may have $129 CAD to lose, but there’s an unlimited income to gain. What’s the last thing you spent $129 money on that paid you BACK over and over?!

I am currently looking for NEW PEOPLE to join our Scent Place Family! Between myself, my team and Scentsy, you have unlimited access to as much or as little training & support as you would like! Are ready to change your own life and become your own boss? Or maybe you're just looking for something to do to keep you busy? Then this is the perfect business for you! What are you waiting for? Its only $129 CAD to join, which includes your starter kit and a free website for 3 months. (we have a $77 CAD join kit also!) Plus being your OWN BOSS? HELLO, IT'S TIME!!! If you're interested in joining the team please click on the link below to get started, I will contact you with the rest!

If you would like to host a party to earn FREE & Half off Scentsy register below to get your party scheduled or contact me!

I am looking forward to showing you all Scentsy has to offer and having you fall in love with it ... if you haven't already!

With Love,

Leslie Lebel
Independent Scentsy Star Director

My Favourite Scents